FLI*T*chen powered by CCH
Doors open 2pm. We would be glad if you come between 2pm and 2.30pm. You will be glad, too, since for this half hour we’ll keep an eye on the door. If you come later you might have to wait a bit to get in, since we might be off flitterflattering through the party ourselves :-))
Special today: Admission 16,- € – ( plus 8,- € for drinks ) = total: 24,-€, in the Club Culture Houze is still paid with cash, credit card payment is not possible.
admission: 14:00-15:00h,
19:00 Time’s up – we’ll kick you out mercilessly and give this playful place a good airing.
In the 18th century, “Flittchen” were “loose girls”, flirting, bed hopping floozies. And in the 21st century? Still, but not only girls: also grown women, lesbians, inter-, trans*, non-binary, queer people flirt-flatter and hop around – at our new FLI*T*chen event.
Come and flitter-flutter-hop with us!
Once a month we offer our location to you FLI*T*chen, provide room and shelter to meet and great and get to know each other, to slapper, to dapper, to philander, to flirt, feel and touch … or to simply lean back and enjoy the sight, sound, smell and company of others flitter-flatter-floating through the Culture Houze in true FLI*T*chen manner.
FLI*T*chen is also “Flitterwochen” – the “honeymoon”: the weeks after meeting, falling in love, getting married. At FLI*T*chen the honeymoon is just a few hours rather than weeks, 2-7pm:
7pm: Time is up, unfortunately – see you next time at FLI*T*chen: every 1st Saturday of the month.
Dresscode: Well, what makes you feel sexy? Like being on an adventure, a kink night out? Looking for cuddles, or for plain s*x, for flirting, for …? What makes you feel desirable? That’s how you should dress :–=)
FLI*T*chen: for women, lesbians, trans, inter, non-binary, for bitches, butches, dykes and divas, bois and femmes, gentlewomen* and dildomen* … the list is long. You’ll fit in, so come along!
This party is facilitated by Culture Houze, but we would be happy to have an independent organiser. If you would like to host a FLINTA** party or would like to have your own format, just write to us, we would be very happy.
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The Club Culture Houze team is pleased to present this party. Suggestions and ideas for the content of this event have come from within the team. Our bartenders also have an awareness function for you. So don’t be afraid to use it if you need to.
Unfortunately, creating safer spaces is only possible through exclusion. For us, appreciative positive behaviour is important; we do not tolerate exclusionary, derogatory and judgmental behaviour. Pay attention to the orientation & read the party description to avoid disappointment at the door.