{all}{zero2}{gay}FIST ON, STRAP ON!

16. November 2024 @ 20:00

FIST ON, STRAP ON!                                                                              powerd by CCH

The mixed FIST & FUCK party for everyone
Admission only 20-23h

Admission 25,-€ pro person ( plus 10,-€ minimum drink consumption) , in the Club Culture Houze is still classically paid with cash, credit card payment is not possible with us.

Each participant is marked with a bend light : Active (left) / Passive (right)
Interest in female readable (yellow)/ in male readable (blue)/ open for everyone opposite (green)

For over 20 years we have been organizing Fist Parties for men, with a good response. More and more people, couples and women as well as nonbinary or trans people and also men carried the desire to us, open your party. The wish became bigger after a common party, for ALL. We got more and more emails and inquiries and so we finally start with this party series once a month on Saturdays. This event is not only for experienced fister and strap-on girls, but also for experimental and sensitive newcomers in this field.
Fisting is a very intensive experience, for the giving and even more for the receiving person, here it is important to be empathetic and hard at the same time to be able and want to experience.
In “old” habit, we will celebrate our event in the Club Culture Houze, because this place is special and we can create there exactly the framework conditions to awaken another great party.
See you in the Club, FIST for ALL!
Your Fist Factory.

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Das Club Culture Houze freut sich, diese Party zu präsentieren. Anregungen und Ideen der Inhalte dieser Veranstaltung ist Team-intern entstanden. Unser Barkeeper haben zudem eine Awareness-Funktion für euch. Also scheut euch nicht, diese zu nutzen, sollte es Bedarf geben. 

Safer Spaces zu schaffen geht leider nur durch Exklusion. Für uns ist wertschätzendes positives Verhalten wichtig; ausgrenzende, ab- und bewertendes Verhalten dulden wir nicht. Achtet auf die Ausrichtung & lest die Partybeschreibung, um Enttäuschungen an der Tür final zu vermeiden.