Autsch! Ouch!

17. February 2024 @ 20:00

Ouch! Let’s play

This party gives room for dirty perversions, nasty & rotten acts, intentional BDSM disciples, kinky-vanilla sex lovers and everything that is possible in the context of SSC. Welcome are all people who openly meet in mutual positive exchange, as well as poly and pansexual people who feel themselves to belong to the LGBTQ scene, or are at least heteroflexible.

Admission is 22,-€ ( plus 10,-€ minimum drink consumption )

Drop in & drop out, come in and stay at any time you like, whether for 10 minutes or the whole evening, enjoy your time at our party, it’s all right. You are very welcome! We don’t have a set door time that you have to be there. You can expect us to close the party around 0 o’clock.

Consent is a must for all games at our party, we do not tolerate racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, bodychaming comments or any other kind of judgmental behaviour or inappropriate comments.

It is important that everyone has time and space for their own play without being judged.

Pre-registration is not necessary, but there will be an appropriate door selection. Nice & friendly as well as open-minded and a creative outfit is a prerequisite for participation.

hosted by the anonymes Party Kollektiv