Schlagfertig – BDSM for All !

16. August 2025 @ 20:00

Schlagfertig                                                                     powered by CCH

is the BDSM party on the 2nd Sunday of the month, for queer people and many different types of play.

from 20:00h

Admission 25,-€ ( plus 10,-€ for minimum drink consumption), in the Club Culture Houze is still paid with cash, credit card payment is not possible.

Today we’re making it easier for you to get in touch by letting you choose the colour that suits your mood and wishes at the entrance. Each participant will be marked with glow sticks:

Active, Dominant (left) / Passive, Submissive (right) / Switch both sides or neck (depending on preference)

Sadism / Masochism = Red

Bondage = Orange

Discipline & obedience = green

Sex desired / not excluded = purple

( of course the colours can vary depending on the evening ).

the game of dominance and devotion – submission, pain, bondage, humiliation, demonstration, being at the mercy of others, exhibitionism, bondage ….
Let go of conventions, today fantasy and lust should dominate. Pay attention to distance and closeness, because it is important to be able to experience. The acceptance of different body types, desires and cravings is particularly important today in order to be able to experience painful/sensual things together. Make space for others and different things. Only together can we create a safe space where you can let off steam, pack your toys and come along!

For a successful party you need a suitable outfit. It’s important that YOU feel comfortable, but also that others feel comfortable with you. Dress for success.
You can change in the Houze when you arrive.
We look forward to seeing you.

This is a party for : All Genders, All Sexualities, Bi – Homo – Hetero ( flexible ) people
Singles and couples
Free spirits, hedonists, self-determined – lustful people

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The Club Culture Houze team is pleased to present this party. Suggestions and ideas for the content of this event have come from within the team. Our bartenders also have an awareness function for you. So don’t be afraid to use it if you need to.

Unfortunately, creating safer spaces is only possible through exclusion. For us, appreciative positive behaviour is important; we do not tolerate exclusionary, derogatory and judgmental behaviour. Pay attention to the orientation & read the party description to avoid disappointment at the door.